Best weather radar app for iphone 8
Best weather radar app for iphone 8

best weather radar app for iphone 8

That might sound like a lot of scrolling, but Weather Underground’s standout customization helps. Keep going to delve into further details (humidity pressure dew point), videos (mostly US-oriented), sunrise/sunset times, pollen count, and webcams. (Tick/cross buttons let you provide feedback if what’s shown is inaccurate.) Scroll down for an extended forecast. At the top of the screen, you’ll see current conditions and a local map. Select a location and you’ll get a wealth of information. But Weather Underground has far more going for it than the lack of a price tag. The main reasons you might be drawn to Weather Underground are that it’s a major name, used as a weather source for other apps, and free. If not, grab an alternative, and hope this weather wonder makes its way to your shores soon. If you’re in one of those regions, it’s a superb premium experience. The one downside with Dark Sky is limited distribution – it’s only available in the USA, UK, and Ireland. It’s a pity you can’t combine multiple conditions, but the feature’s nonetheless welcome. These are based on a single condition (such as snow accumulation or UV levels) and the alert goes out at a specific time.

best weather radar app for iphone 8

Along with options for a daily summary, rainfall warnings, and severe weather alerts, you can craft custom reminders. In the Map view, you explore the globe, with its dynamic updates for imminent rainfall. The lack of color feels dreary, but in limiting blue to rainfall, and using black bars for temperature ranges, the app cements its ability to serve plenty of information at a glance. Scroll down and you can peruse the next 24 hours and next seven days. In tandem with the rainfall graph, these prove to be a great help in planning your next few hours. The radar places tiny arrows near storms, to show their direction of travel.

best weather radar app for iphone 8

The Forecast tab provides an indication of current conditions, a radar map, and – when relevant – a graph indicating rainfall over the coming hour. These days, Dark Sky is neither as pretty nor as simple – but it has evolved into one of the finest weather apps around. Neon rainfall patterns billowed across dark-hued maps. In its earliest incarnation, Dark Sky was as much about arresting visuals as weather forecasting.

Best weather radar app for iphone 8